Tebault's YHIL T-Shirt designs

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All of these images are "mirrored." They are saved as if they had been reversed in a mirror. Regardless of if the thumbnail is or not, all of the fullsize images are reversed. This way, all you have to do is the following:

  1. Click on the thumbnail of the image that you want.
  2. Wait until it has finished loading,
  3. Once that image has loaded, if you are using a Windows machine then just right click on the image. (I will find out what a Mac does shortly)
  4. Then "save file as:" this will put it on your hard drive.
  5. Open the image in Paint Shop Pro 5.
  6. Put the transfer paper in your printer. (probably face down)
  7. Print the image! (make sure "Fit to page" is checked)
Design #1: 90,819 bytes
This one makes a bunch of logos for the left breast placement. There is a black seperator line between the images, to help you cut them apart. If you find the line irritating, just flood fill white and that will take it out. For my personal shirt, I took one of these with the "Not your basic super team." in red and yellow from the main page "fit to page" and put them on the back. On the front I put the heart logo, looks pretty good if I do say so myself. I may make it another design, but it is pretty simple one to toss together.

Design #2: 157,751 bytes
This is a great group shot that Madan sent me. It is really cool looking, but I'll tell you, getting the colors to transfer well is hard. I would do some other shirts first to warm up. The sign Hard Drive is holding says "will fight bad guys for sales." This image is great. I used it on the back with a text logo on the front.

Design #3: 42,758 bytes
I was just kind of playing when this came up. I think it looks Ok, but you probably will need to resize it a bit. It would probably make a better breast logo than a center chest image. Might not look bad on a back, but I dunno what you'd put on the front. I think that this is what I'm going to use when I make the window decal for my car.

Design #4: 200,434 bytes
My friend Chip said that if I gave him a free YHIL shirt he'd wear it at the Con. He wanted one of junior either climbing into, or riding in a shirt pocket. This is as close as I got becasue I can't draw worth a flip, and there were no good close up shots of junior climbing that I could scan. I couldn't figure out how to draw a pocket, so I just slapped some word art on it. I added the border because I thought the paper was going to add the white as white, not transparent. Since it was going on a green T-shirt, I thought the white could use a border. Well, it dosen't. You can't print these things on colored T-shirts anyway, I just made a mess. You may want to just crop the border, or cut it out when it prints. It should look pretty snazzy on a white shirt.

Design #5:151,537 bytes
These are the little "Masked Heart" icons that end every issue. I have kind of adopted them as the mascot of the page. They are just a really cool graphic. The ones on the left are plain, and the ones on the right I left the "To be continued" in them. I had thought about using them somehow as part of the Massive Buying Campaign, but have not had time to think of a good way to use them. That "to be continued" is just asking to be exploited in some manner.

These were FUN! I think I might make some more!